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    20 Amazing Tax Deductions For California Small Businesses

    California Small Business Tax Deductions

    Whether you are beginning to file your 2024 taxes or thinking ahead to find ways to pay fewer taxes in 2025, we are sharing 20 amazing tax deductions for California business owners, entrepreneurs and the self-employed. Remember, it is not what you make that matters. At DRM Wealth Management, we specialize in offering proactive tax planning guidance.

    One of the easiest ways to make your California business more profitable (without working any harder) is to identify all of the small business tax deductions that you are eligible for. These rules also apply to those with self-employment or independent contractor incomes. The rules may vary slightly from independent contracts to S-Corps to Partnerships to LLCs. Keep reading this Financial Planner LA for more tax planning for your California business and information on tax deductions to help minimize the taxation of your small business.

    If your financial advisor is not offering you top-notch tax planning (or not offering any expert tax guidance at all) to help you keep more of your hard-earned money, feel free to reach out to see how we can help you keep more of your hard-earned money. We specialize in providing proactive tax planning strategies to high-income business owners to reach their financial goals faster and easier.

    By David Rae Certified Financial Planner™, Accredited Investment Fiduciary™

    Many California business owners have seen record profits so far in 2024. Being locked at home has caused some of us to spend a lot more time working, and that hard work has paid off in the form of higher incomes. One particular new client earned nearly two million dollars in revenue and had no idea what he could do to lower his tax liabilities. We were playing catch up for 2024, but luckily, we were able to slash his tax liability in half by fully funding a Solo 401(k) for him and his husband (Lowering their taxable income by $129,000 with this one tax planning move alone). At the same time, we dug through his spending to find as many business tax deductions as he was entitled to use.

    That being said, for 2024, we were able to provide even more massive tax planning value. In addition to the Solo 401(k) plan, we added a Cash Balance Pension plan, which will allow this gay business-owning couple to shelter more than $400,000 in income per year. This smart tax planning move alone will save them over $200,000 in taxes for 2024. This one strategy alone could save them over $2 million in taxes over the next decade, even more, if either tax rates increase or their income does.

    From there, we have connected them with a bookkeeper to help make sure valuable tax deductions are not falling through the cracks.

    What You Need to Know About California Small Business Tax Deductions For 2024

    In case you didn’t know (many people don’t), simply put, a tax deduction (also often called a “tax write-off“) is an expense that you can deduct from your income to reduce your taxes due. In the most basic terms, you take the amount of the tax-deductible expense and subtract that from your taxable income. For a legitimate tax-deductible expense, your spending has to meet the IRS criteria of a tax deduction.

    Keep reading for a relatively comprehensive list of the various categories of tax deductions that are available to you as a business owner. The rules may vary slightly depending on if you are a sole proprietor, S Corp, LLC, partnership, or the owner of a C Corporation. Some of these expenses are relatively obvious as business expenses. Others are more likely spending that you would have done anyway but, potentially, could be eligible for a tax deduction. One example is the business use of cell phones. I don’t know many people who don’t have one. I also don’t know many business owners who never use a cell phone for business activities.  

    Consult with your amazing financial planner and CPA (or enrolled agent) to find out which of these tax deductions you are eligible to receive. I must also point out that you will need to keep records of your spending to substantiate the tax deductions you wish to take.

    The Top California Small Business Tax Deduction Categories

    California taxes can be onerous for business owners, topping out at 13.3%. This is on top of the current 37% federal tax rate for 2024 and 2025. With tax rates potentially past 50% on your last dollar earned, you would be crazy not to engage with a tax planning expert. They should be able to save you multiple times whatever they cost to work with, and hopefully, they will add some peace of mind when filing your taxes.

    Pass-Through Entity Tax California

    One of the most missed tax savings for California business owners is the PTET tax strategy. This is a way to offset the pain of the Trump tax plan’s $10,000 limit on state and local taxes. If your financial advisor or tax preparer is not discussing this valuable tax planning strategy with you, it is probably time for a new set-up tax advisor.

    I’ve written more in depth on how the PTET strategy benefits California business owners for my FORBES tax planning column.

    Home Office Tax Deduction For California Business Owners

    With millions of Americans forced to work from home during the Coronavirus, you may be wondering if you qualify for a tax break for the home office deduction. If you are self-employed in California or a small business owner, the answer could be yes. Assuming you use the space exclusively for business use, and this is your primary place of business. Read this post if you want to know how much, in taxes, the home office deduction could save you.

    For those who are employees of another business (not self-employed), you are no longer eligible to benefit from the home office deduction.

    Trying to deduct buying a Ferrari against your small business income may get you in trouble with the … [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

    Business Use of Car Tax Deduction aka Mileage Deduction

    Even if you work from home, most business owners at least get some use of their personal vehicles for business purposes. If you use an automobile purely for business uses, you can deduct the vehicle’s entire operating cost. On the other hand, if you use your car for both business and personal driving, you can only deduct the business usage costs.

    You have two choices on how to calculate your business use for the car tax deduction. Run the numbers and choose the option that will give you the biggest tax break.

    Option 1:  Standard Mileage Rate:  Track the miles driven and multiply that by each year’s standard mileage rate. For 2024, this is 67 cents per mile driven for business. So, if you drove 10,000 miles for work in 2023, you would get a tax deduction of $6,700. 

    For 2025, the standard mileage rate increased to 70 cents per mile. So, if you drove 10,000 miles for work in 2023, you would get a tax deduction of $7,000 for tax year 2025. 

    Option 2:  Actual expense method:  For this one, simply track all of your car-related expenses for the year. This will include gas, oil changes, repairs, tires, insurance, registration, and lease payments. Multiply these expenses by the percentage of use that was for business, and you have your tax deduction. So, if you drove 10,000, spent $10,000 running your car for the year, and used the car 80% for business, you would get an $8,000 tax deduction.

    Tax Savings From Business Retirement Plan Contributions

    Paying yourself first is really how many business owners can slash their tax bills. The most common way California businesses help their employees (if they have any) save for retirement is by setting up a retirement plan. The business can also make contributions for employees (including the owner). 

    For 2024, you still have time to set up a Solo 401(k) or SEP IRA. Depending on your income, you may be able to contribute up to $69,000. For businesses that already have an established 401(k) plan, the business can potentially contribute 25% of payroll as a sharing contribution on top of any matching that is part of the 401(k)-plan design. If you are age 50 or older, you can do an additional $7500 catch-up contribution to your Independent 401(k) plan.

    For 2025, the solo 401(k) limit has increased to $70,000. Plus, the normal catch-up contributions. Also, there are special catch-up contribution rules for those aged 60-63.

    Many successful businesses are also adding a Cash Balance Pension Plan to the mix. This is one of the ways I can add the maximum value to my business-owner clients. Several of my clients are reducing their taxable income by $300,000-400,000 per year by fully funding this amazing pension plan. The tax savings can be huge. This gay couple from Palm Springs was in the highest federal and California tax brackets, pushing their total taxes on the last dollar earned beyond 53% when including the Obamacare surtax. They are also providing a wonderful benefit for their loyal employees while staying on track for their own financial freedom goals.

    Advertising and Promotion Tax Deductions

    Any costs to promote or advertise your business are fully deductible. Some things are obvious, like paying for a website and all the costs that go with it (i.e., web hosting, design, SEO). Others, like printing stationery to thank the client for referrals, may not be as clearly related to your business.

    More Tax Guidance: Gay Tax Planning Strategies You May Need Today

    Tax Deductions Legal and Professional Fees

    Depending on your business and its legal structure, you may have a wider array of professionals helping you run your business throughout the year. If the legal and professional fees are necessary and directly related to running your business, they are tax-deductible. These may include but are not limited to attorneys, business coaches, financial planners offering guidance for your business, bookkeepers, and tax experts. 

    You can deduct the cost you pay to have your business taxes prepared. The cost of expert tax planning guidance to reduce your business tax liability is also tax deductions.

    Tax Breaks for Telephone and Internet Expenses

    These days, I don’t know of many business owners who could operate without the internet and telephone service. That being said, if internet services and your phone (even cell phone) are integral to running your business, you can deduct costs paid for them.

    Deductions for Business Meals

    For 2023, business owners can generally deduct 50% of qualifying food and beverage costs. To be eligible for the deduction, the expenses must be an ordinary part of running your business.   You may love wining and dining with your best clients, but it is probably a stretch to try and write off a $50,000 bottle of wine. The meals can’t be considered lavish, which does leave some room for interpretation depending on who asks. The business owner or employee must be present at the meal, AKA you can’t just pay for a client (or prospective client, for that matter) to take their special someone out to dinner. Well, you can pay for it; you just won’t get a tax deduction for your costs.

    When taking business deductions, documentation is key. Keep records of the date and place of each meal, as well as who attended and what the business relationship is. 

    Insurance Small Business Tax Deductions

    If you choose to get insurance for your business, the premiums are tax-deductible. These may include liability coverage, health insurance, workers comp, business interruption insurance, and other items.

    An ATM seen on fire during the demonstration. Protesters...
    While I do think ATM fees are a waste of money, bank fees are tax-deductible for your small … [+] SOPA IMAGES/LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES

    Bank Fees Are Tax-Deductible

    Having separate bank accounts and credit cards can help make filing your taxes a less stressful process. When your bank or credit card company charges you fees for said accounts, these expenses are tax-deductible. For a business that accepts credit cards, you can also deduct merchant or transaction fees paid.

    Fred Segal Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles - Califonria Small Business
    California Small Businesses Need To Take Advantage of Tax Planning to find all the tax deductions they are entitled to

    The Cost of Workers

    It is easy to forget about the money spent on independent contractors. If you hire a freelancer to spruce up your webpage or someone to fix your computers, track those expenses.

    If your independent contractors make more than $600 working for you in any given year, you are required to send them a FORM 1099-NEC by January 31st of the following year.

    Top Financial Advisor Los Angeles David Rae
    Top Financial Advisor Los Angeles David Rae

    Depreciation Expenses For Small Businesses In California

    This is a complicated topic that I could go on about for days, and unless you are a tax pro, you might get cross-eyed trying to read it. For major purchases, business owners can benefit from a deduction for depreciating assets. Talk with your tax experts to find out if you can benefit more from this tax deduction.

    Education Expenses For California Businesses

    You can get a tax deduction for education expenses that bring value to your business or can help increase your level of expertise. This can also include the cost of continuing education required by your profession. As a California Certified Financial Planner™, I have to do countless hours of continuing education each year to maintain this designation.

    Unfortunately, this does not include prior expenses incurred for medical school, law school, or any other types of student loans.

    You may not know that certain expenses are considered educational, thereby making them eligible for the education expense deduction. For example, subscriptions to a trade publication or business seminar related to your specific business are tax-deductible. If you are taking classes or seminars, transportation to and from the events is tax-deductible.

    Education costs are fully deductible when they add value to your business and increase your expertise. In order to decide if your class or workshop qualifies, the IRS will look at whether the expense maintains or improves skills that are required in your current business.

    Interest Deductions For Small Businesses

    You will need to meet a few requirements if you wish to deduct interest paid to a lender or credit card company:

    ·        You must be legally liable for the debt. If your good friend lends you $10,000 and you slowly pay them back, interest wouldn’t be tax-deductible.

    ·        Both you and the lender intend for the debt to be repaid. If a loan is not intended to be paid back, it is simply a gift.

    ·        You and the lender have a true debtor/creditor relationship. Loans between related parties (normally family members) tend to receive the most IRS scrutiny.

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    Shipping and Postage Expenses for Businesses

    Post COVID, many more businesses are working virtually and/or selling online. Some businesses will likely spend more than they ever have on shipping and postage. The good news is these expenses are deductible. Business owners can also deduct the expenses of moving equipment between locations and even moving inventory from store to store as well.

    Small Business Tax Deductions Rental Expenses

    You may be thinking of office or warehouse rentals here. But, if you rent equipment for your business, these expenses can also be deducted. Temporary space in a WeWork or similar coworking space is tax-deductible.

    Salaries and Benefits

    Salaries, benefits, and even vacation time paid to employees are generally tax-deductible. Pretty straightforward here. The cost of running payroll is also tax-deductible.

    Small Business Tax Deductions For Taxes and Licenses

    Business owners get hit with a slew of additional taxes and fees. This may be on top of licensing to even be in business. Fortunately, business owners, big and small, can deduct various taxes and licenses related to their businesses. This may include state income taxes, payroll taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes paid on business property, sales taxes, and business licenses.

    Tax Deductible Travel Expenses

    Your travel expenses were likely up substantially in 2024. I would encourage you to take this deduction when eligible. Just make sure to document the business purpose of your travel. I think the IRS may question your two weeks at the Four Seasons on a glorious beach somewhere exotic. Someone reading this likely had a business reason to be there for two weeks and is entitled to the tax break for costs incurred.

    For your trip to qualify as business travel, it must be ordinary, necessary, and away from your tax home. Officially, your tax home is the entire city (or area) in which you conduct business. This is regardless of where you choose to live.

    IRS-approved deductible business travel expenses include travel to and from your destination, using your car while at a business location, parking and toll fees, the cost of taxis or Ubers, and other methods of transportation used on a business trip, meals and lodging, dry cleaning while on a business trip (gotta stay looking good, right?), shipping of baggage and sample or display materials to your destination and other similar ordinary and necessary expenses related to your business travel.

    Personal Tax Deductions For Business Owners

    The various business deductions listed above are directly attributable to the business. Here are a few other tax deductions that business owners may benefit from on their personal taxes.

    Charitable Tax Deductions

    For some reason, Sole proprietorships, LLCs, and partnerships are not able to deduct charitable contributions as business expenses. However, business owners may be able to claim the deduction on their personal tax returns.

    Starting with 2020 returns, taxpayers can claim up to $300 of cash donations even if they don’t itemize them on their personal tax returns. Everyone, please be generous and donate at least $300 to charity this year.

    Personal Retirement Contributions

    As we mentioned above, business owners can get a tax deduction for contributing to retirement plans on behalf of their employees (which often includes them as the owner). Business owners can also contribute as business employees or make personal contributions to a traditional IRA or Roth IRA (income limits apply).

    Golden hamster - Gay Hamster Wheel  Fun Financial Planner
    Be proactive with your tax planning, so you are not always playing catch up trying to find more … [+] UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP VIA GETTY IMAGES

    Preparing to File Your Business Taxes

    Running a business is stressful enough. Make your life easier by working with a tax professional to file your taxes. Likewise, please don’t just keep a box of receipts to sort through when filing your taxes. Take the time to set up QuickBooks (or similar software) to track your income and expenses. For those who are too busy to do this, hire a bookkeeper, which can be a lifesaver come tax time, or worse, if you are ever audited. Might I remind you that the costs of bookkeeping software, a tax preparer, and a bookkeeper are all tax-deductible?

    Bottom Line for Business Tax Deductions

    Take the time to track your income and expenses throughout the year. You can review them later with your fabulous financial planner (if yours isn’t fabulous, find one that is), bookkeeper, and tax pro to make sure you are benefiting from all the tax deductions you are legally entitled to. Being proactive in your tax planning can get you off the hamster wheel of always playing catch up with your back taxes, which many business owners find themselves owing.

    Tax Wizard David Rae on Nightline
    Tax Wizard David Rae on Nightline

    DAVID RAE, CFP®, AIF® is a Los Angeles retirement planner with DRM WEALTH MANAGEMENT. He has been helping friends of the LGBT community reach their financial goals for over a decade. He is a regular contributor to Forbes.com, the Advocate Magazine Investopedia and Huffington Post, as well as the author of the Financial Planner Los Angeles Blog. Investopedia named David Rae one of the  “100 Top Financial Advisors” in 2021 for the fifth year in a row.  Follow him on Facebook or via his website www.davidraefp.com

    Related: The Marriage Penalty Can Be Onerous for Gay California Business Owners.

    Financial Planner LA and DRM Wealth Management offer California Tax Planning Guidance to High-Income Small Businesses.

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    David Rae

    Connect With David Rae, Financial Planner LA

    David Rae, CFP® AIF®

    President / Founder DRM Wealth Management LLC

    1(323) 905-4380


    "20 Amazing Tax Deductions For California Small Businesses"

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