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    6 Great Ways To The Most Tax-Free Income In Retirement

    I am excited to share this video produced by Forbes.com, which features Financial Planner LA David Rae sharing 6 ways to get even more tax-free income in retirement. Click here to WATCH VIDEO I’ve never met anyone who loves paying …

    Is Your Financial Advisor Giving You The Best Tax Planning Advice?

    Does your Los Angeles Financial Advisor offer tax planning guidance? They may no even be allowed to offer tax saving tips. What you need to know to get the best tax advice.

    What Is The Maximum Social Security Retirement Income For 2025?

    Are Social Security Taxable? What is the maximum amount you can receive from Social Security Retirement? These and you other questions answered by Financial Planner LA.

    The Difference Between Investment Risk and Stock Market Volatility

    Investment risk and stock market volatility are not the same thing. You may earn below-average stock market returns when the markets are calm. Or perhaps you make outsized returns when the stock market appears scary times of extreme volatility. Financial …

    6 Tax Stragies To Slash Your 2024 Taxes Bill

    The holidays are fast approaching, which means it is time to start doing some year-end tax planning. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act will mean lower tax bills for many Americans. That does not mean you can ignore tax planning. …

    Fiduciary Financial Planner- The True Value Of Great Advice

    What is the true value of working with a Fiduciary Financial Planner? Fiduciary Financial Planner Los Angeles weighs in. Why seeking ­– and heeding – financial advice from a Fiduciary Certified Financial Planner may prove beneficial, some might even say …

    How The Cash Balance Pension Helps You Reduce Your Taxes And Boost Retirement Security

    Looking for more tax deductions to help your business pay fewer taxes? A Cash Balance Pension Plan may be the keep to keeping more of your hard earned money.

    How To Open A Sep IRA With Self Employment Income

    You need to know the SEP IRA contribution limits to make sure you can minimize the taxes on your small business income.

    The Million Dollar 401(K) Mistake Too Many People Make

    The Biggest Mistake You Are Making with your 401(k)k could cost you over a million dollars.  For some of you, it could lower your 401(k) balances by several million dollars. We are facing a retirement planning crisis in America.  Boomers, …

    Three Investing Mistakes to Avoid, They Will Cost You A Bundle!

    Investing Mistakes to Avoid. 3 big investing mistakes to avoid, if you don’t it will cost you a bundle. I’m extremely lucky to have a smart and successful group of clients, many of whom came to me after falling victim …

    The New Fabulous Retirement Grace and Frankie-Style

    Could you handle a Retirement like Grace and Frankie? Even with gay ex-husbands and straight ex-wives to deal with, growing older can still be filled with adventure and possibility . . . as long as you’ve got the wherewithal to …

    Missing an Old Retirement Account? How to Find Lost 401k Money Now

    At least once every few months a long-term client brings in a retirement account statement and says, “I forgot I had this retirement account. Can you help me with it?” Sometimes these accounts are tiny but other times they hold …

    How Love And Marriage Will Change The Perfect LGBT Retirement.

    With Marriage Equality come more options for Gay Retirement Planning. LGBT Retirement Expert David Rae outlines how love wins for gay couples.

    Will the LGBT Community Ever Be Able to Retire Well?

    Will retirement be better or worse for the LGBT Community? While the LGBT community is benefiting from increasing financial prosperity and legal recognition, many economic challenges hit us harder than they do for straight citizens. Like everyone else, we are …

    6 Retirement Planning Lies That Threaten Your Golden Years

    6 Retirement Planning Lies that threaten your Golden years. Retirement often thought of as a far-off and hard to achieve nirvana, here are a few endearing myths that may throw off your financial planning. Here are the 6 Retirement Planning …

    10 Great Reasons to Ignore Retirement Planning

    More than 50% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. Here are 10 big reasons to be just like them and ignore retirement planning.

    You’re 50 – Now is the time to Get Serious About Retirement Planning!

    Going on Fifty Facing Retirement.  What should I do now? Where do you go from here? LA Financial Planner shares a few tips to help get back on track for retirement. I’m 50 what do I do now? Three points …

    How to Lower Your LA Retirement Planning Stress

    Does thinking about Retirement Planning Stress Your Out? While the economy is improving, retirement saving is falling behind.  At Financila Planner Los Angeles we are here to show you how to make the retirement planning process less stressful. Does thinking …

    Boot Camp for Smart Home Buyers- Get Yourself Ready NOW!

    The housing market is hot these days. How to get ready to buy the home of your dreams without wreaking havoc on your finances.

    10 Surefire Ways To Never Become a Millionaire

    The Future of Financial Self-Sabotage  10 Surefire Ways to Never Become a Millionaire. When Austin Power’s Dr. Evil set out to extort the world for a million dollars we all cracked up. How quaint, we giggled, when everyone knows that …

    © 2025 Financial Planner Los Angeles


    This site has been published for residents of California (Insurance License # OE10562), Arizona, Ohio, Florida, and Colorado. All information herein has been prepared solely for informational purposes, and it is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security investment or instrument or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Securities and investment advisory services offered through DRM Wealth Management LLC a Registered Investment Adviser. The videos, articles and other content maintained on this site as well as the opinions voiced in this material are resources for educational and general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. No information on this site constitutes financial advice and should not take the place of consulting with a certified financial planner and tax, legal or other financial advisor. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.