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    Los Angles Home Equity Line Tax Deductions. Is My HELOC Tax Deductible?

    After the newish GOP Tax Plan took effect in 2018, many people are wondering, “Can I still deduct my home equity line of credit? Should I refinance to make it tax-deductible again?” Or just “How do I know if I …

    Is Your Financial Advisor Giving You The Best Tax Planning Advice?

    Does your Los Angeles Financial Advisor offer tax planning guidance? They may no even be allowed to offer tax saving tips. What you need to know to get the best tax advice.

    What Is The Maximum Social Security Retirement Income For 2025?

    Are Social Security Taxable? What is the maximum amount you can receive from Social Security Retirement? These and you other questions answered by Financial Planner LA.

    How to Know Expenses Are Tax Deductible When You Volunteer

    I’m going to guess that you probably aren’t volunteering for a tax break. Could you do more if you had a little extra time? Or a bit more money in your pocket? Tracking your volunteering expenses may help you free …

    Tax Planning Tip: How To Use An SBLOC To Lower Your Taxes Today

    How the rich use the Buy Borrow Die Strategy to avoid paying taxes. You can use the tax planning tip to avoid capital gains taxes on your investments.

    2 Billion Dollar Powerball Winner: What Should They Do Now Video

    Financial Advisor LA appears on the NBC with your Powerball Winning Guide. How to keep more of your winnings and minimize taxes.

    How To Open A Sep IRA With Self Employment Income

    You need to know the SEP IRA contribution limits to make sure you can minimize the taxes on your small business income.

    Is Too Much Financial Stress Making You Fat?

    Have you packed on a few extra pounds? Could financial stress be the cause of your extra body fat? Science has actually discovered that worrying about your finances could add to the pounds. Stress equals Fat. At Financial Planner LA, …

    The Myth Of Gay Affluence Not Everyone is Fabulously Wealthy

    Did you know that one in four LGBT adults reported not having enough money to feed themselves in the past year? How does this sync with the image of an LGBT community that is dripping with wealth? And what do …

    The Million Dollar 401(K) Mistake Too Many People Make

    The Biggest Mistake You Are Making with your 401(k)k could cost you over a million dollars.  For some of you, it could lower your 401(k) balances by several million dollars. We are facing a retirement planning crisis in America.  Boomers, …

    The Five Principles Of Happy Money

    Financial expert shares tips on Happy Money with Financial Planner LA- what you need for a happier healthier and wealthier life.

    How High Income Gay Couples Avoid The Marriage Tax Penalty

    Tax planning is a major part of LGBTQ Wealth Management. Gay financial advisor David Rae outlines how to minimize the pain of the gay marriage penalty.

    Who Will Provide Long-Term Care For LGBT Retirees?

    Who Will Care for LGBT Boomers? Anyone but themselves? Listen up LGBT Boomers you can’t control getting older, but you can influence the quality of life. Does your retirement plan provide for the cost of LGBT Long Term Care? More importantly, would you like it to? LA Financial Planner David Rae outlines the ins and out of aging well for the Gay Community.

    Best Los Angeles Financial Advisor For You: Video

    You have found the site for the best Los Angeles financial advisor. The FUN CFP is specializes in tax planning and financial planning for the gay community.

    How To Know If You Save Money With The Home Office Tax Deduction

    Tax Planning is part of being self employed. Read this post to find out if you could save money on taxes with the home office deduction.

    How the LGBT Community Can Retire Early and Fabulously

    This is the LGBT Early Retirement guide whether rich or poor can help you get on track for Financial Freedom.  Plan ahead so your only option for the “good life” doesn’t require you to live in a trailer park. Gay early retirement doesn’t have to mean a life of miserly living.

    Apple Stock For Apple Employees: How To Maximize Employee Stock Options

    If you are an Apple employee and do a good job, you will likely own way too much Apple stock as your career progresses.  Good problem to have, right? I mean, Apple stock has performed amazingly well over the past …

    The New Fabulous Retirement Grace and Frankie-Style

    Could you handle a Retirement like Grace and Frankie? Even with gay ex-husbands and straight ex-wives to deal with, growing older can still be filled with adventure and possibility . . . as long as you’ve got the wherewithal to …

    Missing an Old Retirement Account? How to Find Lost 401k Money Now

    At least once every few months a long-term client brings in a retirement account statement and says, “I forgot I had this retirement account. Can you help me with it?” Sometimes these accounts are tiny but other times they hold …

    How To Become a Financially Savvy Gay

    Gay Financial Planning can be fun and fabulous. It can also help you become a more financially savvy gay. Keep reading the post from the gay CFP David Rae.

    © 2025 Financial Planner Los Angeles


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