Being gay is about who we love and how we live. Let’s make it about how we spend and how we save too. Gay Financial Happiness is the way to go. Your Gay Financial Planner Los Angeles shares tips on how to live your happier healthier and wealthier life with eleven tips for Gay Financial Happiness.
The jury is out whether the old saying “Money can’t buy you happiness” is actually true but no one can argue with my other favorite bon mot, “When money goes out the door, love flies out the window.” As a group, the LGBT community has many monetary advantages, true. But let’s see how we can maximize our gay financial happiness in our own gay way as we live it up. Here are 11 tips to achieve Gay Financial Happiness.
By David Rae Certified Financial Planner™, Accredited Investment Fiduciary™
11 Tips for Gay Financial Happiness
- Spend money on experiences rather than STUFF: Do you really think when you are 90 you are going to be talking with your friends about what an amazing time you had buying the gold Hermes $15,000 Apple iWatch (which then became antiquated the following year when the better one came out)? But for sure you’ll reminisce about that wine tasting trip you took to France or the time you went zip lining through the rainforests of Costa Rica.
- Avoid the trap of lifestyle inflation: Would you believe people living in poverty in the developing world are often happier than billionaires here in the US? While striving, aspiration and ambition are part of the American character – and really part of the gay American character — the downside is our toxic tendency to compare ourselves to others, draw erroneous conclusions about our worthiness or happiness, and then spend more than we can afford to ‘keep up’. As a longtime resident of West Hollywood (with a second home in Palm Springs), I can tell you that there will always be someone richer, smarter, skinnier, buffer, or just more fabulous than you. Good for them. But now it’s time to step up and acknowledge all the fabulous things you already have and already are. Good for you.
Don’t let money rule your whole life:
This one’s related to lifestyle inflation. The more you work the more you make. When you are lucky enough to make more money most people end up wanting more things. The more you want the more you have to work. This can be a vicious cycle. Wanting a little less means that you could save a little more, a gift to your future. Find joy in what you already own.

- Remember to be generous because givers gain: Buy something for yourself, you will happy for a few hours. Buy something for someone else and you will be happy for days. And they should be happy too if they aren’t a dick. Plus, they’ll be saying nice things about you behind your back . . . always a plus in any town that runs on gossip. Consider doing a charity sporting event like the Aids /Life Cycle (7x rider here) or volunteer.
- Pay someone else to do tasks you hate: Do I have the skills to clean my house? Probably. Do I make more at my job than I lose by paying someone to clean my house? YES. Am I happier if someone else does it? ABSOLUTELY! Does my house sparkle more when someone else does it? MOST DEFINITELY YES. Problem solved.
Get your priorities straight:
I have a “friend” who drives a (leased) Range Rover, wears the latest designer clothes, and expensively eats out every meal. It sounds fabulous, right? Well, guess again, because he has no furniture in his studio apartment in Hollywood and has to avoid trips with friends because he can’t afford to travel. To each his own, but being a grown-up means owning your own bed (and being gay means owning fabulous sheets to make it with).
- Don’t spend money you don’t have: This is often the single most important lesson you must learn because without it you will never achieve financial security. I’m sorry, but that liposuction you’re getting before Coachella is not an “investment.” Even if Beyonce is performing, you can watch the concert free on Netflix. And if it goes on a credit card, you’re going to be stuck in misery paying for it over and over again.
Even More More Gay Financial Happiness Tips
- Avoid bad debt: Credit card bills may seem manageable for a bit, but they always have a way of spiraling out of control. Then you are just paying the interest, it’s eating up a huge portion of your budget, and it will crowd out all the fun stuff you like to do. On the other hand, paying off good debt can only help you in the long run. Though my husband and I carry what seems like an obscenely large mortgage, at least we’ve built up a ton of equity in our home at the same time we get to live there.
Have an emergency fund:
Life happens . . . your car breaks down, your brother is having a big destination wedding (and since you’ve been tapped for best man you HAVE TO GO), or God forbid, you get sick or get laid off. Having a nice financial safety net can really help reduce the level of stress of unforeseen events. According to The Atlantic magazine “nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to cover an emergency.” Are you one of them? Don’t be.
- Set financial independence goals: I find my clients have a much easier time turning their goals into realities when they have a financial independence plan in place. For example, dream trips around the world often come with a huge price tag, but it’s way easier to say yes when the money is already set aside in your “travel fund.” On the other hand, if you have to pull it out of your 401(k), you’re going to hate the tax bill the IRS sends you next April, taking the ‘bon’ right out of your ‘voyage’.
- Spend More Time with Gay Friends: This doesn’t always have to be expensive. Some of the most fun nights I’ve ever had have been crowded gams night at a friend’s apartment. Great way to bond with existing friends and meet new people. If you bring snacks or drink, it could be a pretty cost-effective evening. I’m going to assume someone you know owns a game or two.
Related: Will Your Gay Friend Make You Poor?
Financial Freedom and Gay Financial Happiness
Financial independence doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game when it comes to happiness. You don’t have to sacrifice one to have the other. But you do have to plan to achieve Gay Financial Happiness, get your timing right, operate intelligently, and maybe postpone a few temporary pleasures now for your long-term happiness later. It’ll pay, I promise. Big time.
Gay Financial Planner Los Angeles talk Tackling Tax Season with Spectrum News.
Until next time, and as always Be Fiscally Fabulous! Remember Gay Money Matters.

DAVID RAE, Certified Financial Planner™ Accredited Investment Fiduciary™ is a Gay Financial Planner Los Angeles-based retirement planning adviser with DRM Wealth Management. He is living the “Millionaire next door” lifestyle. David is a regular contributor to the Advocate Magazine and a financial planner proudly serving friends of the LGBT community for over a decade. Follow him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/davidraecfp . or via his website, www.davidraefp.com.
How to be Gay, Fabulous and Frugal . . . all at the same time!
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[…] could all use a little more money and a little more happiness, right? Recently, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]
[…] is about extra than simply constructing wealth. All the cash on the planet is of no use to you Luck if you do not have an opportunity to take pleasure in it. Likewise, no sum of money should buy you […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
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[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
[…] is about extra than simply accumulating wealth. All the cash on the earth will not convey you happiness if in case you have no approach to take pleasure in it. Likewise, no amount of cash can purchase […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
[…] is about extra than simply accumulating wealth. All the cash on the planet will not deliver you happiness when you’ve got no solution to take pleasure in it. Likewise, no amount of cash can purchase […]
[…] is about extra than simply accumulating wealth. All the cash on this planet will not deliver you happiness when you’ve got no approach to take pleasure in it. Likewise, no sum of money should purchase […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth. All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness if you have no way to enjoy it. Likewise, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. However, […]
[…] is about more than just accumulating wealth.All the money in the world won’t bring you happiness Unless there’s a way to enjoy it. Similarly, no amount of money can buy you perfect health. […]
[…] among us couldn’t use a little more money and a little more happiness? Previously, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]
[…] among us couldn’t use a little more money and a little more happiness? Previously, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]
[…] among us couldn’t use a little more money and a little more happiness? Previously, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]
[…] among us couldn’t use a little more money and a little more happiness? Previously, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]
[…] among us couldn’t use a little more money and a little more happiness? Previously, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]
[…] among us couldn’t use a little more money and a little more happiness? Previously, I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Dunn speak about the science of happier […]