What is the true value of working with a Fiduciary Financial Planner?
Fiduciary Financial Planner Los Angeles weighs in.
Why seeking – and heeding – financial advice from a Fiduciary Certified Financial Planner may prove beneficial, some might even say priceless. Beyond a Fiduciary, you should also look for a Financial Advisor who offers expert tax-planning advice.
By David Rae Certified Financial Planner™, Accredited Investment Fiduciary™
Fiduciary Rule Update 2024
Update 12/5/2024: With the election of Donald Trump (again), implementation of the Fiduciary Rule is expected to be delayed again. Likewise, I would be surprised if regulations protecting investors from unscrupulous financial advisors are watered down again in the second Trump term.
You don’t have to be Einstein to see the True Value of a Fiduciary Financial Planner.
Time to face facts: You can’t control what the stock market does day to day or even year over year. However, what you can control as an investor is your financial attitude and behavior. One simple way to improve your fiscal behavior is to work with a qualified fiduciary financial planner. With improved fiscal behavior, an investor is less likely to make the types of financial mistakes many people make that can sabotage their financial success.
Why is this? Well, basically, it’s because a lot of the smartest choices may feel counter-intuitive to an inexperienced or uninformed investor. A good fiduciary financial advisor, on the other hand, has been around the block a few times and is able to play the long game without getting his or her head turned by returns that seem (and are) too good to be true. A prime example of this is many people feel that regularly beating the stock market is necessary to reach their financial goals. In fact, those of us in the independent fiduciary investment advice business know that this isn’t necessarily true.
Progressive Financial Planner LA on ABC 7 News talking about the Fiduciary Rule for financial advisors.
The S & P Return Gap
The prestigious financial research firm Dalbar releases a study every year called Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior that’s better known as just the Dalbar Study. According to their findings, from 1984 to 2013, the S&P 500 had an average of 11.11% per year in return. It sounds like great investment returns great, right? Unfortunately, the downside is the average S&P 500 investor earned just 3.69% over the same period of time.*
The truth is that very few people even come close to matching the S&P 500 returns over the long run unless their name happens to be Warren Buffett and they live in Omaha. Through the years, I’ve seen tons of people who say they only invest in an S&P fund, only to manage dragging down their returns to a much lower level than their holdings for a given period of time. Whatever “strategy” they were implementing (if any) caused them to underperform their very own investments.
Getting great guidance from a financial planner in Los Angeles can help you make smart investments and financial choices over time. Vanguard has estimated the value of this financial advice to be over 3% per year; I will let you assign a value to peace of mind we can help you achieve.
Case Study Priorities from a Fiduciary Financial Planner
Let’s look at it another way. What is more important to you?
- A) Short-term bragging rights: What is the numerical return on your portfolio?
- B) Long-term financial security: Do you have enough money to reach your goals?
CASE STUDY A- Fiduciary Financial Advice
- I recently met with a day trader, “Genius Bob,” who bragged about the “amazing returns” he’d achieved. His wife (who initiated the meeting) quickly informed me of “Genius Bob’s” selective memory about the figures. While it was true he had doubled his money over the past 87 days (impressive), it was also true that over the past two years of full-time DYI day trading, he’s lost about 75% of his family’s life savings (NOT Impressive, not to mention the lack of any other income from elsewhere.) OUCH!
CASE STUDY B- Fiduciary Advice
- In 1984, twin sisters Sam and Pat both started out with $100,000 to invest. Sam worked with an average financial advisor, who just really didn’t offer much guidance beyond picking the initial investments. Sam got average returns of 3.69% per year, and her account grew to $286,000 by 2013. Not too shabby, considering she nearly almost tripled her money. She was pretty smug about how well she’d done until she looked at her sister Pat’s account. In contrast, Pat had professional fiduciary financial planner help, which proactively helped her avoid many of the investing mistakes and behaviors that drove down Sam’s returns. In doing so, she earned a respectable 8% return per year on average. Growing her account to about $931,000, more than triple her sister Sam’s profits.
Of course, these are just examples used for illustration and are not specifically indicative of any particular investment or situation. That being said, actual results will vary. While most of us probably fall somewhere between ‘Genius Bob,” Sam, or Pat when it comes to our investing behaviors, we all can improve how we handle our finances. The bottom line is that by avoiding big investing mistakes and letting compound interest work its magic, even with a return well below S&P averages, you can potentially achieve great results. A fiduciary financial planner should be able to help you avoid most of these big investing mistakes.
Related: Inherited IRA Mistakes to Avoid
Time to Get Real with a Fiduciary Financial Planner
By no means am I generalizing what type of return an individual or couple’s portfolio should be delivering? The point is to develop a financial plan (including investments) that fits your specific needs and goals.
For instance, you may find that with your current assets and saving rates, you need to save 200% of your income. In that case, you may need to reduce your retirement expectations or expect to work longer. On the other hand, you may run the numbers and see that you’ll be fine with a much more modest return than you’d been investing for. If this is the case, you can potentially lower your overall portfolio risk.
The Smart Money is on a Fiduciary Financial Planner
I believe the real value of working with a fiduciary financial life planner goes well beyond investment returns. Juggling all your financial puzzle pieces can be stressful and time-consuming. Having a trusted Financial Planner to help you with all of this can be a huge weight off your shoulders. I’ll save the conversation about couples and fighting over money for another time. But if you haven’t heard couples often fight over money, you have no idea how gruesome this can be, trust me.
I’m in pretty good shape physically, but I do more reps and work out harder when I have a knowledgeable training partner. Which in turn leads to me getting in better shape. I’m not any smarter or doing any new or special workouts, but the guidance I get from an experienced trainer leads to significantly greater success than if I were to work out alone. The same may apply to having a financial coach, aka a Certified Financial Planner™, who can develop appropriate strategies – and encourage constructive fiscal behavior to boot – to make your money work harder in pursuit of your long-term goals.
Live for today. Plan for tomorrow with the help of a Fiduciary Financial Adviser in LA.
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DAVID RAE, CFP®, AIF® is a Los Angeles- retirement planning specialist with DRM Wealth Management. He has been helping people reach their financial goals for over a decade. He is a contributor to Forbes.com. Has also written for the Advocate, Investopedia and Huffington Post. Follow him on Twitter @davidraecfp on Facebook or www.davidraefp.com.

For more great Progressive Los Angeles Fiduciary Financial Advice.
6 Reasons to Only Take Fiduciary Financial Planning Advice
*Source Dalbar Study Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior 2014 This study utilizes data from the Investment Company Institute and Standard & Poor’s to compare investor behavior with the returns of the overall equity market. The Average Equity Fund investor represents the aggregate action of all investors in equity mutual funds. Investor returns are determined using the change in total equity fund assets after excluding sales, redemptions and exchanges. This method of calculation captures realized and unrealized capital gains, dividends, interest, trading costs, sales charges, fees, expenses, and any other costs. The S&P500 Index is an unmanaged index of large-cap U.S. stocks. The index is considered to be representative of the U.S. equity market. “Fiduciary Financial Planner- The True Value” Copyright 2021.
[…] Related: Fiduciary Financial Planner- the True Value […]
[…] game went on forever. It went into overtime, then another overtime and then a third overtime. As a financial planner (now), I’m all for a good value but that was crazy. As a kid I’m sure I just didn’t care. I asked […]
[…] fear of the stock market and have crafted the perfect investment portfolio (or had the help of a fiduciary financial planner to create the best investment plan for your situation) if you don’t save enough move along […]
[…] fear of the stock market and have crafted the perfect investment portfolio (or had the help of a fiduciary financial planner to create the best investment plan for your situation) if you don’t save enough move along […]
Add me to ur list
[…] charming and extroverted. They remember your birthday. But ultimately they are salespersons. Get a non-conflicted, fee for service, who accepts fiduciary responsibility. Here is an academic resource; here is a consumer-oriented […]
[…] charming and extroverted. They remember your birthday. But ultimately they are salespersons. Get a non-conflicted, fee for service, who accepts fiduciary responsibility. Here is an academic resource; here is a consumer-oriented […]
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[…] sure you are including Social Security, Medicare, and Long Term Care as part of your comprehensive financial plan. Don’t be afraid to ask your trusted Fiduciary Certified Financial Planner what […]
[…] mean all investments have seen large increases in value. I have a new client whose previous (non) fiduciary financial advisor appeared to have the golden touch for picking terrible investments, as well as buying at just the […]
[…] is the time to sit down with a fiduciary financial planner pronto to go over your various options and make sure you are making the best choice for your […]
[…] you plenty. Sadly it appears to more prevalent than the common cold this time of year. Perhaps a Fiduciary Financial Planner is just what the doctor ordered. You can kick lifestyle inflation to the […]
[…] easy to avoid. If you are unsure of how to proceed with an IRA rollover, work with a trusted fiduciary financial planner to help guide you through this […]
[…] are easy to avoid. If you are unsure of how to proceed with an IRA rollover, work with a trusted fiduciary financial planner to help guide you through this […]
[…] easy to avoid. If you are unsure of how to proceed with an IRA rollover, work with a trusted fiduciary financial planner to help guide you through this […]
[…] are easy to avoid. If you are unsure of how to proceed with an IRA rollover, work with a trusted fiduciary financial planner to help guide you through this […]
[…] Have you been hit with the Medicare Surtax? Feel free to reach out and see how we can help you keep more of your hard-earned money. Tax planning should be part of your comprehensive financial. If you so-called financial advisor does help you reduce your taxes, then it likely time to upgrade to a fiduciary financial planner. […]
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[…] retirement, and the quality of your current and prior retirement plans. As you can imagine, as a financial planner with a fiduciary duty to my clients, there is rarely a case when I would recommend you just cash out your old 401(k) when […]
[…] retirement, and the quality of your current and prior retirement plans. As you can imagine, as a financial planner with a fiduciary duty to my clients, there is rarely a case when I would recommend you just cash out your old 401(k) when […]
[…] retirement, and the quality of your current and prior retirement plans. As you can imagine, as a financial planner with a fiduciary duty to my clients, there is rarely a case when I would recommend you just cash out your old 401(k) when […]
[…] retirement, and the quality of your current and prior retirement plans. As you can imagine, as a financial planner with a fiduciary duty to my clients, there is rarely a case when I would recommend you just cash out your old 401(k) when […]
[…] investors), tax advice is something that clients consider extremely important. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary financial planner who works with many high-income business owners, many retirement plan contributions are motivated […]
[…] investors), tax advice is something that clients consider extremely important. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary financial planner who works with many high-income business owners, many retirement plan contributions are motivated […]
[…] investors), tax advice is something that clients consider extremely important. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary financial planner who works with many high-income business owners, many retirement plan contributions are motivated […]
[…] investors), tax advice is something that clients consider extremely important. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary financial planner who works with many high-income business owners, many retirement plan contributions are motivated […]
[…] 2000 buyers), tax information is a thing that customers think about very vital. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary economic planner who will work with numerous significant-money organization house owners, many retirement system […]
[…] investors), tax advice is something that clients consider extremely important. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary financial planner who works with many high-income business owners, many retirement plan contributions are motivated […]
[…] a fiduciary monetary coordinator, I believe possessing a residence is a clever lasting monetary relocation. There are much better […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner, I think owning a home is a smart long-term financial move. There are better ways (in my opinion) […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner, I think owning a home is a smart long-term financial move. There are better ways (in my opinion) […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner, I think owning a home is a smart long-term financial move. There are better ways (in my opinion) […]
[…] your day and enjoy your life. If it feels like too much for you to handle on your own, work with a fiduciary fee-only financial planner who can help you develop a roadmap to your financial goals and, more importantly, help keep you on […]
[…] Sigue con tu día y disfruta de tu vida. Si le parece demasiado para manejarlo solo, trabaje con un planificador financiero de honorarios fiduciarios solamente quien puede ayudarlo a desarrollar una hoja de ruta hacia sus objetivos financieros y, lo que es […]
[…] your day and enjoy your life. If it feels like too much for you to handle on your own, work with a fiduciary fee-only financial planner who can help you develop a roadmap to your financial goals and, more importantly, help keep you on […]
[…] your day and enjoy your life. If it feels like too much for you to handle on your own, work with a fiduciary fee-only financial planner who can help you develop a roadmap to your financial goals and, more importantly, help keep you on […]
[…] your day and enjoy your life. If it feels like too much for you to handle on your own, work with a fiduciary fee-only financial planner who can help you develop a roadmap to your financial goals and, more importantly, help keep you on […]
[…] a state with a reputation for low taxes, make sure you account for the overall tax burden. If your fiduciary financial advisor offers tax planning (sadly, many don’t), that person should help you estimate the tax-saving […]
[…] a state with a reputation for low taxes, make sure you account for the overall tax burden. If your fiduciary financial advisor offers tax planning (sadly, many don’t), that person should help you estimate the tax-saving […]
[…] a state with a reputation for low taxes, make sure you account for the overall tax burden. If your fiduciary financial advisor offers tax planning (sadly, many don’t), that person should help you estimate the tax-saving […]
Awesome post and very informative!
[…] investors), tax advice is something that clients consider extremely important. Anecdotally, as a fiduciary financial planner who works with many high-income business owners, many retirement plan contributions are motivated […]
[…] Research suggests that 70 to 90% of people who inherit significant wealth, immediately fire the financial advisor who worked for their parents. I have been fortunate enough to be able to work with many people who have received large inheritances and were not comfortable with the financial guidance they were receiving from their parents’ financial advisors. More often than not actually financial guidance was truly lacking, especially if your parent’s financial pro was more of a financial product salesman than actually a fiduciary financial planner. […]
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[…] Financial Advisor 92264. Planning with Pride since 2003. The gay financial planning for you. Fiduciary Financial Planning Palm […]
[…] hope your fun financial planner has done such an excellent job for you that you don’t even notice the Social Security COLA […]
[…] hope your enjoyable monetary planner has completed such a wonderful job for you that you do not even discover the Social Safety COLA […]
[…] hope your fun financial planner has done such an excellent job for you that you don’t even notice the Social Security COLA […]
[…] and manage all participants’ investment portfolios collectively, usually with the help of a fiduciary financial advisor. You should be spending your time running your business, not dealing with financial planning or tax […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified […]
[…] the bigger this monetary dream staff could must be. It’s going to seemingly embrace a Licensed Monetary Planner™, Licensed Public Accountant, Tax Legal professional and an property planning legal professional. It […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] receiving, the bigger this monetary dream workforce could have to be. It should doubtless embody a Licensed Monetary Planner™, Licensed Public Accountant, Tax Lawyer and an property planning legal professional. It could […]
[…] the bigger this monetary dream staff could must be. It’s going to possible embody a Certified Financial Planner™, Licensed Public Accountant, Tax Lawyer and an property planning legal professional. It might […]
[…] receiving, the bigger this monetary dream crew might have to be. It should possible embody a Licensed Monetary Planner™, Licensed Public Accountant, Tax Lawyer and an property planning lawyer. It could embody […]
[…] receiving, the bigger this monetary dream staff might must be. It is going to doubtless embrace a Certified Financial Planner™, Licensed Public Accountant, Tax Lawyer and an property planning legal professional. It might […]
[…] be receiving, the bigger this monetary dream staff could must be. It should possible embrace a Certified Financial Planner™, Licensed Public Accountant, Tax Lawyer and an property planning lawyer. It might embrace […]
[…] you are receiving, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] I am guessing you could have owned a house and hopefully have substantial house fairness. As a monetary planner, I’d warning you solely to make use of your private home as a piggy financial institution if […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options to […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options to […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options to […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options […]
[…] this article, I assume that you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial equity. Like a financial plannerI advise you to only use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options to meet your […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options to […]
[…] post, I’m guessing you have owned a home and hopefully have substantial home equity. As a financial planner, I’d caution you only to use your home as a piggy bank if there are no other viable options to […]
[…] trusted financial planner can help guide you through this difficult time. If that person offers tax planning (most advisors […]
[…] you receive, the larger this financial freedom dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] help make your retirement more enjoyable. Take steps today to improve your health, and work with a fee-only fiduciary financial planner to ensure you have a plan not to outlive your retirement […]
[…] help make your retirement more enjoyable. Take steps today to improve your health, and work with a fee-only fiduciary financial planner to ensure you have a plan not to outlive your retirement […]
[…] Adding the TOD designation is important since you want to avoid triggering taxable events. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage firm for whatever paperwork they require to add a TOD beneficiary to your investment […]
[…] Adding the TOD designation is important since you want to avoid triggering taxable events. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage firm for whatever paperwork they require to add a TOD beneficiary to your investment […]
[…] Adding the TOD designation is important since you want to avoid triggering taxable events. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage firm for whatever paperwork they require to add a TOD beneficiary to your investment […]
[…] important puisque vous souhaitez éviter de déclencher des événements imposables. Demande à ton conseiller financier fiduciaire ou une société de courtage pour tous les documents dont ils ont besoin pour ajouter un […]
[…] Adding the TOD designation is important since you want to avoid triggering taxable events. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage firm for whatever paperwork they require to add a TOD beneficiary to your investment […]
[…] designation is essential because you need to keep away from triggering taxable occasions. Ask your fiduciary monetary advisor or brokerage agency for no matter paperwork they require so as to add a TOD beneficiary to your […]
[…] Adding the TOD designation is important since you want to avoid triggering taxable events. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage firm for whatever paperwork they require to add a TOD beneficiary to your investment […]
[…] designation is essential because you wish to keep away from triggering taxable occasions. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage agency for no matter paperwork they require so as to add a TOD beneficiary to your […]
[…] designation is essential because you wish to keep away from triggering taxable occasions. Ask your fiduciary financial advisor or brokerage agency for no matter paperwork they require so as to add a TOD beneficiary to your […]
[…] a bit time-consuming, for the most part, it is pretty easy to implement, especially if you have a fiduciary financial planner to help you and/or your investment account offers free trading. In the past, transaction cost often […]
[…] a bit time-consuming, for the most part, it is pretty easy to implement, especially if you have a fiduciary financial planner to help you and/or your investment account offers free trading. In the past, transaction cost often […]
[…] स्रोत है। मुझे आशा है कि आपके पास एक मज़ेदार वित्तीय योजनाकार जिसने आपके लिए इतना शानदार काम किया […]
[…] income stream. For some, it is their primary source of income for retirement. I hope you have a fun financial planner who has done a fabulous job for you that you don’t even notice the Social Security COLA each […]
[…] Para algunos, es su principal fuente de ingresos para la jubilación. Espero que tengas un divertido planificador financiero quien ha hecho un trabajo fabuloso para usted que ni siquiera nota el COLA del Seguro Social cada […]
[…] income stream. For some, it is their primary source of income for retirement. I hope you have a fun financial planner who has done a fabulous job for you that you don’t even notice the Social Security COLA each […]
[…] income stream. For some, it is their primary source of income for retirement. I hope you have a fun financial planner who has done a fabulous job for you that you don’t even notice the Social Security COLA each […]
[…] stream. For some, it’s their main supply of earnings for retirement. I hope you’ve a fun financial planner who has achieved a wonderful job for you that you do not even discover the Social Safety COLA […]
[…] stream. For some, it’s their main supply of revenue for retirement. I hope you will have a fun financial planner who has achieved a superb job for you that you do not even discover the Social Safety COLA every […]
[…] or all policies will offer the same benefits, and you’ll probably want some advice from a savvy financial planner who keeps up to date on what is available. (Fair warning: not all of them do.) But the suitable […]
[…] will need to choose a custodian to hold your Roth IRA account. You can also hire a fee-only Certified Financial Planner to help you set one up and get on track to become a Roth IRA […]
[…] here is that you may benefit from your annuity more if you get good financial guidance from a fiduciary financial planner. The old broker likely earned a big (we are talking $75,000+) commission selling the annuity, but […]
[…] retirement. If you have a substantial amount of money in your investments, you should work with a fiduciary financial planner to develop a tax strategy to keep your income in the lowest brackets possible throughout your […]
[…] money you receive, the larger this financial dream team may need to be. It will likely include a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Public Accountant, Tax Attorney and an estate planning attorney. It may include […]
[…] hope your fun financial planner has done such a fabulous job helping you build a retirement income stream you can’t outlive. […]
[…] hope your fun financial planner has done such a fabulous job helping you build a retirement income stream you can’t outlive. […]
[…] que tu divertido planificador financiero ha hecho un trabajo fabuloso ayudándole a crear un flujo de ingresos para su jubilación que no […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner who specializes in working with high-income-earning business owners, many retirement plan […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner who specializes in working with high-income-earning business owners, many retirement plan […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner who specializes in working with high-income-earning business owners, many retirement plan […]
[…] a fiduciary financial planner who specializes in working with high-income-earning business owners, many retirement plan […]
[…] are Fiduciaries who are legally required to follow 100% of the time. So, you are likely not to get true fiduciary financial planning advice 100% of the […]
[…] details of implementing the mega backdoor Roth IRA strategy can trip up some people. Talk with your fiduciary financial planner to avoid the headaches mistakes can cause and ensure you have a plan to build a retirement income […]
[…] details of implementing the mega backdoor Roth IRA strategy can trip up some people. Talk with your fiduciary financial planner to avoid the headaches mistakes can cause and ensure you have a plan to build a retirement income […]
[…] more complicated than opening an IRA or other investment account. You will need to work with your fiduciary financial planner, CPA and likely other professionals to ensure the plan is optimized for your specific needs and […]
[…] you are fortunate enough to receive a sizable inheritance, work with a fee-only fiduciary financial planner to help you maximize your windfall. A bonus is they offer tax-planning guidance to help you avoid […]