You have reached the LGBT Financial Topics Sections of the Financial Planner Los Angeles Blog. Here we will be covering a wide array of topics that matter to the LGBT Community. Our financial planning needs our different whether you are gay, lesbian, bi or trans. If you need help with any LGBT specific financial questions feel free to reach out.
You may also want to follow our GAY MONEY MATTERS Facebook page to make sure you don’t miss any great Gay Financial Stories. You work hard for your money you might as well Be Fiscally Fabulous too.
We may have won marriage equality for our fight for financial parity is not over. Many successful LGBT community members are visible, but we also many people struggling financially. I am proud to be a leading voice for LGBT Financial Freedom and Equality.
LGBTQ+ financial planning is about helping the greater queer community live their happiest, healthiest and wealthiest lives.
Gay Financial Planner David Rae on E! News
Live for Today, Plan for Tomorrow. Remember Gay Money Matters.
-David Rae, Gay Certified Financial Planner, LGBT Accredited Investment Fiduciary.
Beyonce Coachella should be epic. Are you going? Who can actually afford to attend this huge music festival every year? Many people are spending thousands if not tens of thousands to attend. Ponder this. Will the single lifestyle paired with …
The Golden Girls Retirement Plan. Could this beloved 80’s sitcom hold the solution to the impending retirement crisis facing America’s workforce? Or even provide some much-needed help over a few financial planning hurdles for the LGBTQI community? Living like the …
Show Me the Hamiltons- How much would you pay for Hamilton Tickets on Broadway? Could you imagine spending $42,500 for tickets for anything let alone the phenomenon of Hamilton on Broadway? Update: Hamilton the Musical is playing at the Pantages …
Are your Gay Friends making you poor? The LGBT community has created a huge group of extremely successful people. On the other hand, being successful, accumulating real wealth and employing financial savvy don’t always go hand in hand. Can you …
Click the link above, Enter your email to join Financial Planner LA and join the thousands of people who have downloaded their FREE copy of 10 Big Tips To Get Your Financial House In Order. Tired of feeling overwhelmed when looking …
Big Payday for Gay Married Couples The Real Money Advantages of Gay Married Couples It’s official, people; same-sex married couples are living proof that it pays to be gay. Gay Money Matters! We all know the stereotype of the typical gay …
Golden Girls Financial Issues Spotlight on Women Golden Girls Retirement Plan, Part 4 Retirement Is a Women’s Issue Pop Quiz: What’s better for your bottom line, a dead spouse or an ex-spouse? Wine Tasting with real-life Golden Girls A few …
Yes, Dorothy, It Is Possible to Be Gay Fabulous Frugal all at the same time. 5 Ways to be Gay Fabulous and Frugal. Handling money with aplomb and living well while looking good doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. You …
By pooling their resources as housemates, Golden Girls’ hottie-of-a-certain age Blanche Devereaux and her homegirls Dorothy, Rose, and Sophia keep on living the good life through retirement. Television’s Golden Girls continue to give us a great run for the money …
The Newlyweds Financial Talk before the Walk (Down the Aisle) Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the land, engaged gay couples are going to be having some serious chats about money if they want their love to survive …
HIV Positive Life Insurance, does it exist? Yes, you can get a life insurance policy if you’re HIV+. And yes for some, you should get a life insurance policy if you’re HIV+. Not so long ago, if someone living with …
“Are Gays better with money” is a question I’m often asked. To be fair it’s been reported that LGBT people earn more and have less debt than the general population, but does that mean we gays are actually better with …
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