• LA Certified Financial Planner® helping friends of the LGBT Community Retire Happier Healthier and Wealthier

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    Financial Planner LA, David Rae

    David Rae has been helping people achieve financial security as a Los Angeles Certified Financial Planner® and Accredited Investment Fiduciary® with DRM Wealth Management since 2003. Based in Los Angeles, Financial Planner David Rae advises his clients and their families on getting their financial houses in order, developing investment strategies to meet their goals and planning for their retirement. He has also built a strong reputation as a financial planning specialist serving the needs of individuals, couples, and families in and around the LGBT community. While his financial planning practice is based in LA, he has clients across the country, and throughout Southern California. More About David Rae


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    This site has been published for residents of California (Insurance License # OE10562), Arizona, Ohio, Florida, and Colorado. All information herein has been prepared solely for informational purposes, and it is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security investment or instrument or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Securities and investment advisory services offered through DRM Wealth Management LLC a Registered Investment Adviser. The videos, articles and other content maintained on this site as well as the opinions voiced in this material are resources for educational and general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. No information on this site constitutes financial advice and should not take the place of consulting with a certified financial planner and tax, legal or other financial advisor. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.